Hello there, i'm Roberto, a 29 years old photographer from chile and based in chile (for now). I'd love to share with all of you what my camera and i have been gathering throughtout several years. You will find here all kinds of photography, but mostly landscapes and urban photography. 
The main goal of this website it's to share my point of view of all the things and people that made me feel the need of capturing a place, moment or person. Sometimes my pictures might be an honest window or door into my way to see life, or sometimes it might not be that simple. Anyways, i wanna thank you for being here and i really hope you enjoy my art. 
please feel free to contact me if you wanna know more about any of the places that are shown here, or more about photography. Also, if you want to buy a print photograph, feel free to contact me too, i'd be glad to help.
Keep dreaming